



PIZHICHIL 60 minutes: INR 4200

Pizhichil, also known as Thaila Dhara, is a unique and rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapy that continuously pours warm, medicated oil over the entire body. This therapy is renowned for its deeply relaxing and therapeutic effects, combining elements of both oil massage (Snehana) and heat therapy (Swedana). Pizhichil is often used to promote well-being, strengthen the immune system, and address specific health concerns.

This therapy is a beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (oilation) and Swedana (sudation). The whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated herbal ayurvedic oil with simultaneous soft massage. More than three liters of oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, neurological disorders, blood pressure, and nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.

Indications for Pizhichil:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis
  • Overcoming Paralysis and Muscular Dystrophy
  • Neurological disorders and Regulating blood pressure
  • Chronic fatigue, Relieving anxiety, and Combating depression
  • Skin disorders
  • Curing sexual weakness
  • Reducing neurological disorders

Pizhichil is a complex process and is often referred to as the King of Ayurveda treatments. In the ancient years, this was often a therapy for the royalty or aristocrats. Anammyaa brings this specialised treatment to you. 

Preparation of medicated oil:

  • A specific herbal oil is prepared by infusing various Ayurvedic herbs into a base oil. The choice of herbs depends on the individual’s constitution (dosha), health condition, and the therapeutic goals of the treatment.
  • The individual lies down on a special table, and the warm, medicated oil is poured over the entire body in a specific rhythmic manner. Often two or more therapists perform the treatment, ensuring a continuous and even flow of oil.
  • Massage Pressure and intensity are adjusted based on individual needs and comfort.
  • Pizhichil typically lasts for about 60 to 90 minutes, and the duration may vary based on individual requirements and the practitioner’s recommendations.

Post-Treatment Steps:

  • After the completion of Pizhichil, the individual may be advised to rest for a short period to allow the medicinal properties of the oil to be absorbed by the body.

Some of the benefits of Pizhichil are:

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction. Pizhichil induces a deep state of relaxation, helping to reduce stress and promote mental well-being.
  • Nourishes and moisturises the Skin leaving it soft and supple. 
  • Important for muscle and joint health. Pizhichil helps in relieving muscle stiffness, joint pain, and arthritis. It improves flexibility and promotes overall musculoskeletal health.
  • The therapeutic heat and the properties of the medicated oil help eliminate toxins from the body and promote better blood circulation
  • Pizhichil is beneficial for balancing Vata and Pitta doshas and is often recommended for individuals with imbalances in these doshas.
  • Improving the immune system and regular sessions of Pizhichil are believed to strengthen the immune system, promoting overall health and vitality.

The choice of medicated oil, the temperature of the oil, and the massage techniques are customized based on individual needs and health conditions. At Anammyaa, the treatment is done under the supervision of Vaidyas.

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