
Why Navratras fasting is recommended as per Ayurveda

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  • Why Navratras fasting is recommended as per Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Navratras (the nine days of fasting and worship in Hindu tradition) and Ritu Sandhi (the transition period between seasons) share significant connections, both emphasizing balance, cleansing, and rejuvenation. Here’s the Ayurvedic logic behind this relationship:

Timing of Navratras and Ritu Sandhi:

Navratras occur twice a year, typically during the seasonal transitions of spring (March-April) and autumn (September-October). These periods align with *Ritu Sandhi, where the body undergoes a shift to adapt to the changing environment. In Ayurveda, these times are seen as crucial for maintaining health because imbalances in the *doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) are more likely to arise during seasonal transitions.

Cleansing and Detoxification:

Navratras involve fasting and consuming a light, sattvic diet (primarily fruits, vegetables, and light grains like buckwheat and amaranth), which aligns with the Ayurvedic principle of light diets during Ritu Sandhi. The purpose of this is to give the digestive system a break, detoxify the body, and eliminate accumulated toxins (ama) from the previous season. This prepares the body for the upcoming season, enhancing its ability to cope with the environmental changes.

Strengthening Agni (Digestive Fire):

During Ritu Sandhi, Agni (digestive fire) can become weakened due to fluctuating weather patterns, making digestion more vulnerable. Fasting during Navratras helps rekindle Agni, improving digestion and metabolism. This is essential for maintaining balance and ensuring the smooth functioning of bodily systems as the body prepares for the new season.

Spiritual and Mental Balance:

Navratras are not only a time for physical detox but also for mental and spiritual rejuvenation. Meditation, prayer, and rituals during these days help stabilize the mind and emotions, which can be disturbed during times of seasonal change. Ayurveda emphasizes the connection between mind, body, and environment, and maintaining mental balance during Ritu Sandhi is seen as crucial for overall health.

Transition to a New Diet and Lifestyle:

As Ritu Sandhi marks the transition to a new season, Ayurveda recommends gradually adjusting to the dietary and lifestyle guidelines of the upcoming season. Navratras, with their sattvic foods and fasting practices, act as a buffer, allowing the body to make this transition smoothly without sudden changes that could disturb the doshas.

We start with our winter vegetables and fruits gradually and slowly after the Navratri. To name a few

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